
Wildfang aus Tradition.

Der Spirit von Urk

Das jahrhundertealte holländische Fischerdorf Urk am IJsselmeer ist die Heimat von Seaconcept. Wer hier geboren ist, der lernt die Fischerei von klein auf.

Es gibt in Urk kaum eine Familie, die nicht im Fischgeschäft ist. Die meisten männlichen Bewohner sind ohnehin während der Woche auf dem Schiff und mit voller Leidenschaft seit vielen Generationen Nordseefischer.

Jeden Montagmorgen genau 1 Minute nach Mitternacht beginnt für die Fischer die Arbeitswoche. Dann steigen sie in Autos, holen ihre Crews ab und fahren zum Hafen.

Nach einen routinemäßigen Check laufen sie aus und begeben sich auf ihre mehrstündige Fahrt zu den Fanggebieten. Die Arbeit an Bord ist äußerst kräfteraubend und schwer, in einem 2 Stunden Rhythmus wird Tag und Nacht gearbeitet. In 2 hour shifts, these dedicated fishermen work all day and night.

Diese Gene stecken auch im Team von Seaconcept. Wir arbeiten mit der gleichen Präzision und Leidenschaft wie die Fischer unserer Heimat.

Wildfang. Natur.

Spezialist im Naturbereich

Seaconcept liefert Frischfisch und sowohl see- als auch landgefrostete Fischprodukte aus allen Teilen der Welt, immer in Top-Qualität. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Norwegen, Island, der Nordsee und Produkten aus Asien.

Wir haben die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette in unseren Händen und liefern zuverlässig und pünktlich. Dafür sorgen wir Tag für Tag mit unserer Erfahrung zusammen mit unseren Fischer und Produzenten. Unser Know how in Fang und Verarbeitung macht dabei den Unterschied. Our know-how in fishing and processing makes all the difference.

Wir haben eine große und ständig wachsende Auswahl von Frischfischen aus dem FAO Fanggebiet 27, Nordostatlantik. Mit der nachfolgenden Karte können Sie sich über die Fische in unserem Sortiment informieren.


Frozen fish

FAO 67
Alaska Pollock – Theragra chalcogramma
Pink Salmon – Oncorhynchus gorbuscha


Fresh & Frozen Fish FAO 27
Plaice – Pleuronectes platessa
Atlantic Redfish – Sebastes norvegicus
Cod – Gadus morhua
Haddock – Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Saithe – Pollachius virens
Atlantic Catfish – Anarhichas lupus
Black Halibut – Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
White halibut – Hippoglossus hippoglossus
North Sea Lemon Sole – Microstomus kitt
Arctic Char – Salvelinus alpinus
North Sea Sole – Solea solea
Turbot – Psetta maxima
Monkfish – Lophius piscatorius
Red Gurnard – Chelidonichthys lucernus
Dab – Limanda limanda
Flounder – Platichthys flesus
And so on …

Frozen fish

FAO 05
Northern Pike – Esox lucius
Pikeperch – Stizostedion lucioperca

Frozen fish

FAO 81
Hoki – Macruronus novaezelandiae

Frozen fish

FAO 47
Cape Hake – Merluccius capensis


Tilapia – Oreochromis spp.
Pangasius – Pangasius hypophthalmus
Gilt–Head (Sea) Bream – Sparus aurata
European Sea Bass – Dicentrarchus labrax
Atlantic Salmon – Salmo salar
Vannamei Shrimp
Black Tiger Prawns

Unsere Norwegen-Story.


Gutes Gewissen

Norwegen ist ein nachhaltig wirtschaftendes Land. Das nationale Fischerei-bewirtschaftungssytem führt strenge Kontrollen durch, um dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass der Fischfang an der norwegischen Küste und in der Barents-see stets in legalem Umfang stattfindet. Das Bewirtschaftungssystem in der Barentssee ist unter anderem vom WWF anerkannt und durch das Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) zertifiziert. Die Fischer fischen mit der Bodenlang-leine, die horizontal entlang des Meeresbodens ausgebracht werden. Boden-langleinen haben geringe Probleme mit Seevogelbeifang und geringere Auswirkungen auf den Meeresboden.

Vom Fang bis zum Kunden

Gleich nach dem Fang werden die Fische im kalten Wasser oder auf Eis gelagert. The boats then set sail for selected landing sites (Mortaks). There the fish are gutted and sorted. The fish are then transported to Urk, where subsequent to further quality controls, are delivered to our customers as whole fish or hand filleted cuts.

Filleting in the factory

Jacob de Vries knows the in depth story of the fish he fillets. He knows where they come from, who catches them, how they live, their anatomy, flesh and flavor. Every fish is different and Jacob and his team bring the best out of every fish fillets. This is an art that can only be achieved by hand.

On Tour

Seaconcept on Tour

The SeaConcept team is on the road for its customers throughout the year. We are always on the lookout for new ideas, products, and contacts. We visited many exciting places. We would like to share a few of our impressions with you, through the picture gallery below.

Fish Farming in Iceland, Ireland, and Vietnam

We visited the world’s most sustainable Arctic Char farm in Iceland. This farm was established in 2017. At the invitation of our colleagues from BINCA Vietnam, we learned about aquaculture in Vietnam. Organic Salmon is a growth market. We were on site, at the farms in Ireland.

The Boston Seafood Show, Massachusetts, and Alaska

A highlight for us was the Boston Seafood Show. That’s where we came up with the idea for our latest innovation „fish and ancient grains“. After the Boston Seafood Show we drove to Gloucester, Massachusetts, to experience the golden redfish and angler monkfish fisheries first-hand. Auke visited over 20 different companies on his tour to learn more about fishing in Alaska for Salmon, King Crab, and Plaice.

Norway and Turkey

Accompanied by Jacob de Vries, our partner for our Lofoten project, we met with many fishermen and visited various fish auctions in the Lofoten. We were interested to learn the various fishing methods and bait that they use e.g., to catch MSC shrimp. On our second visit to Norway, we visited the Skrei fishing stations in the north and also learned more about Atlantic halibut. In Germany, smoked trout is very popular. Jaap and Auke were able to observe the entire value chain of this product in Turkey, from the farm to the finished product, which is imported into the EU.

Convenience Fish.

Specialist for convenience

Seaconcept, together with its production partners, has developed a wide range of fish convenience products. In addition to the standard convenience products, this product range includes fish coated with fine batters and various special breadings. In collaboration with our customers, we can also quickly develop new original convenience food concepts for retail and the foodservice industries.

Today, convenience products have become indispensable in the modern kitchen. That´s why Seaconcept has kept pace with the latest Ready-To-Eat product trends. Our convenience fish products are suitable for cooking in frying pans, deep fryers, and conventional or convection ovens. Pre-fried products only need to be heated up. However, raw breaded products still require cooking.

Seaconcept liefert Produkte in verschiedene Qualitäten, unter anderem Mousse, Bits & Pieces, aus Blöcken geformt, aus Blöcken geschnitten und naturgewachsen, sowie einzel- und doppelgefroren.



Seaconcept proudly presents a new product line with only high-quality hand-cut loins. We searched for the best quality fish and combined this with sensational recipes to create a perfect match. The fish is filleted and checked by hand directly from the source, with a completely transparent chain, so that we can guarantee absolute top quality. Immediately after filleting, the fish is frozen using the latest technologies so that the taste and quality are retained.

Only this fish, which you get on your plate, may call itself „Handflakad“, which stands for hand-filleted fish in the Icelandic language.

Gebratenes Seelachs-Filet mariniert mit Senf und Apfel

1. 100 ml Wasser, die Senfkörner und 50 ml Weißweinessig in einem Topf zum Kochen bringen. 20 Minuten köcheln lassen und in der Flüssigkeit abkühlen lassen.

2. Den Kohl mit dem Gemüsehobel in Streifen hobeln. 75 ml Weißweinessig in eine Schüssel geben. 1 Esslöffel Salz und 1 Esslöffel Rohrzucker dazugeben und rühren bis alles gut aufgelöst ist. Den Kohl unterrühren. Genügend Wasser hinzufügen, damit der Kohl völlig bedeck ist. Den Kohl marinieren lassen.

3. Die Selleriewürfel 15 Minuten kochen. Spoon into the food processor. Anschließend in der Küchenmaschine mit einem Esslöffel Butter so lange mixen bis ein cremiges Püree entsteht.

4. 2 Esslöffel Butter in einer großen Pfanne erhitzen. Pat the Saithe loins dry and sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides. Place the fish in the pan and fry on medium heat until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Flip the fish with a spatula and fry the other side for 3 minutes until cooked, depending on the thickness of the fish.

5. Heat a knob of butter in another frying pan, bake the apple wedges golden brown and cooked through. Add the roasted beets warm together.

6. Divide the celeriac puree over 4 preheated plates and place the fish on top. Place the apple wedges and cabbage pickles next to it. Spoon some mustard seeds without the liquid over the fish. Garnish with nasturtium.

6 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds
125 ml white wine vinegar
¼ purple pointed cabbage
1 tablespoon cane sugar
½ celeriac, in cubes 3 by 3 cm
50 grams butter
500 grams saithe loins, at room temperature
1 elstar apple, sliced in wedges
4 baby beets with leaves, roasted

Nasturtium or Tarragon tops

Also needed
Food processor

Saithe (pollachius virens)
Fishing Area: FAO 27 – Sub V
Saithe is a close relative to Cod. Saithe has a more characteristic taste than most white fish species. Its distinctive flavour goes well with spicy dishes and other strong flavoured ingredients. Its meat also has a firm texture and is well suited to frying. Saithe is especially rich in protein and Vitamins D and B12.

Fish & Ancient Grains.

Fish & Ancient Grains

Ancient food grains are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. They contain many essential nutrients such as fiber, proteins, and minerals. The trend towards natural and wholesome foods is leading consumers to food grains such as Teff, the cultivation of which has not been modified for many hundreds of years. The trend also embraces so-called pseudo-grains, such as quinoa and amaranth, which have gained superfood reputations.

Seaconcept recognized this trend in its early stages, and has created many interesting convenience food products made from various ancient and pseudo grains.






Our Company. Our Team.

Auke Pasterkamp

General Manager

Telephone: +31 6 39 340441


Jaap Post

General Manager

Telephone: +31 6 39 339 715


Anna Brouwer


Telephone: +31 6 14 890 763


Els Schrier

Sales Support

Telephone: +31 6 14 890 763


Janelle de Vries

Sales Support

Telephone: +31 6 14 890 763


Aage Jan Pasterkamp

Sales Support

Telephone:+31 6 81 037032


Sonia Magriñá

Sales Spain

Telephone: +34 670 252 303


Caterina Cerisola

Sales Italy

Telephone: +39 02 82 398947

Seaconcept BV
Wijk 4 – 3
8321 GC URK

Telephone: +31 6 39 339 715

General Managers
Jaap Post
Auke Pasterkamp